Poems for a Wedding

Confetti Poems for a Wedding are for you to throw onto cards and messages, read at the service or share at the wedding reception. Full of love and laughter, kisses and smiles, hugs and hearts.

Happy Wedding Day!

These are for your non commercial use free!

Poems for a Wedding

We knew that as soon as we saw
You two, whose hearts have melted into one
The choice of marriage obvious
And will last and never be be undone.

The smiles on all our faces
Must tell you that it's true;
We all get along so famously
We know that you will too.

A beautiful service on a fabulous day
We're all so happy to be here;
Celebrating with the golden couple
Before on your honeymoon you disappear.

The Carribean is a paradise
Palm trees and sunshine galore;
An amazing start to a wonderful life
Who could ever ask for more.


You've both waited so patiently
For this day to come;
You've scrimped and saved too
Well done, everyone!

The church and the flowers
Were beautiful to behold;
The ceremony was divine
Memories worth more than gold.

A life full of laughter
And hearts full of love;
These will be you blessings
That come from above.


I looked at you this morning
I saw my little girl;
All wrapped up in net curtains
Giving them a swirl.

This time you're a woman
Glowing with happiness;
Walking towards your man
In that beautiful wedding dress.

I will give you away today
In my heart though you'll always be;
The one who waited by the door
Waiting to be first to cuddle me.

As you start your married life
Be happy and may you always know;
Just as your Mom and me
That true love just grows and grows.

Poems for a Wedding

The Wedding Ring

The sweetest story that’s ever be told
Lies in the slim little circle of gold
Joining two people as husband and wife
To share in the joys and the sorrows of life.

For richer for poorer – in sickness and health
Your marriage can yield up as wonderful wealth
Of memories to treasure and hopes to renew
All part of the promise made by you two.

With faith in each other and love as your guide
As long as forever, you’ll walk side by side
And the shining reminder of how much you care
Will line the gold band that you both wear.
Alice E Chase.


As you dance the dance of life together
Sometimes you will forget the steps;
Or the music may seem out of time
Cling to each other then and be adept.

Smile whilst holding on and soon
You'll be alright and happy once more;
The music back in time again
Love oozing from every pore


A marriage made in heaven
Is what I've heard them say;
All I know is that I love You
On this our Wedding Day.
To my Darling Husband/Wife


Poems for a Wedding