Poems about Life

Living through and reaching out within our Poems about Life are the truths, inspiration, and motivation to help others.

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Poems about Life

Poems about life can take any path
As we are all very unique;
Some paths go round and round
Whilst others are very steep.

Our lessons to learn from up above
Sometimes are hard to understand;
But when we sometimes realise
They do make our lives quite grand.


Have you heard of the magic keys
Called integrity and truth;
These make everything alright
Learn them in your youth.

You will go far with these I know
For everyone will trust you;
People like to know just where they stand
Confidant and true.


Please Wake Up!!
One voice can make a difference-
A million can change the world.


Almost everything–all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure–these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.
 Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked.
There is no reason not to follow your heart.
Steve Jobs

Poems about Life

Hanging on to dreams of yesterday
Is standing by a grave;
Plant new seeds for today
Let go and just be brave.


The prisons we build for others are the ones we shall rot in.
 Waste no ounce of energy on revenge, lesson teaching, gossip and other self-diminishing behaviors.
Build temples of freedom instead.
Fill them with forgiveness, self-respect and unbounded possibility.
That which receives no energy falls away.
Cynthia Ocelli


The world is a great book; he who never stirs from home, reads only a page.
Saint Augustine


Taste every taste there is
Look at every scene;
Open your heart and your mind
Things are never what they seem.

No matter where or who we are
We only eat and sleep;
There are other moments to enjoy
As into life we leap.


Words are instruments of clever imagery. They make you see light in darkness and beauty in despair. It allows you to explore emotions that you may or may not have felt in your life. When your knowledge is limited, wisdom is channeled through words so you gain valuable insights that will help you handle the problems and conflicts that you face. Through the meaningful passages of inspirational poems quotes, it is easier to see the world in a whole new light.


We make a living by
what we get,
but we make a life
by what we give.
 Winston Churchill



Inspirational Verses